Fascia and Tensegrity
Fascia is like our body’s fabric, acting as a connective network that keeps our 70 trillion cells together. Think of it as a 3-D webbing that ensures every cell is in its right place. It plays a crucial role in our body mechanics, influencing our performance, recovery from injuries, and even our daily functions from birth to our last breath.
While the term “fascia” traditionally refers to specific sheets within our body, like the plantar fascia, its modern definition is broader. Today, many experts use “fascia” to describe all collagen-rich soft tissues, which includes the usual sheets we think of as fascia, as well as tendons, ligaments, and other structures that wrap around muscles and organs.
In simpler terms, fascia is more than just a few sheets in our body. It’s a complex system that includes the protective layers around our organs, the tissues connecting our muscles, and more. This network is vital for our body’s structure and function.